In the event that a student wishes to withdraw from the University, 必须遵循下列程序:

  1. 从大学退学表格必须从学生主任办公室获得,并从以下办公室获得表格上的签名, 按指定的顺序:
  2. 学生事务主任(或指定人员)
  3. 学生会计处
  4. 财政援助办事处
  5. 住宿生活(如果在宿舍)
  6. 大学教务处
  7. Students officially withdrawing from the University after the Course Add/Drop period and before the deadline of the Course Withdrawal period (prior to the end of the tenth week of the semester; see semester calendar) will receive a notation of “WX” in all courses. If a student chooses to withdraw from the University after the tenth week of the semester, 学生将获得所有课程的最终成绩. 有特殊情况的学生(如住院或生病)应咨询学生主任.
  8. All forms must be returned to the 大学教务处. 注意:在完成适当的表格并经大学注册办公室验证之前,学生不会正式从大学退学. Nonattendance does not constitute withdrawal from the University.
  9. If a student fails to complete the withdrawal form but notifies the University in writing, 通过传真或美国邮政发送的签名信.S. 邮件, or via an e邮件 sent from 学生’s 弗雷明汉 State e邮件 account of their intent to withdraw, the University will consider that as official notification of withdrawal.


缺课(LOA)是指在十大网赌信誉平台(FSU)的学习在学年的秋季或春季学期(中间学期和夏季学期除外)暂时中断,被录取的本科生不选择上课. 休假只与学生在大学的继续注册有关,不受联邦法规的承认, so students on a leave of absence are treated as withdrawals for financial aid purposes.

学生可以选择申请离校(LOA),一次不超过连续两个学期. 在大学注册期间,学生最多可以申请四(4)次休假. 获得LOA的学生保留其录取学生身份,并有资格享受以下特权:

  • 在十大网赌信誉平台(FSU)的第一学期,保留其学术课程的大学要求;
  • FSU student e-邮件 and my弗雷明汉 portal access;
  • Priority and self-registration for the approved semester of return.


  • Financial aid disbursements during the semesters while on LOA. 获得LOA的学生在贷款机构和贷款服务机构报告为“未注册”,需要与贷款机构联系,了解可能的还款要求;
  • Enrollment verification since they are reported as "not enrolled," which could affect eligibility for health insurance, 等.;

如果学生在学期的第一个月内正式退学或请假,通常会退还一定比例的学杂费. 退学日期和相应的学费和费用退款百分比可在大学目录中找到 学生会计办公室的网站. 通过大学退款政策退还的任何学费和费用不会影响通过第四章资金返还计算获得的援助金额.

十大网赌信誉平台 (FSU) does not take attendance, 学生的休学日期为学生签署休学或请假表并开始正式休学手续之日.

If a student fails to notify the 大学教务处 of their intent to withdraw, 但这学期所有的课都退了, they will be treated as a withdrawal for the term, and the withdrawal date will be the date that the last class is dropped.



大学注册办公室通过所有学生退学的工作流程通知经济援助办公室. 每个学生的提款都会被检查,以确定学生是否曾经获得过联邦直接贷款,如果他们是以前的借款人,则会收到退出咨询材料. 任何当前的财政援助接受者都被转发给财政援助主任,以获得第四章资金计算的回报.   财政援助主任或副主任执行第四章资金的返还计算使用美国.美国教育部的FAA访问网站. 州基金的退款计算是根据马萨诸塞州州退款计算政策确定的.

第四章资金的返还 calculations are performed on a payment period basis. 学生本学期获得的经济援助金额是根据计算时支付的援助金额计算的, 执行计算时本可以支付(但尚未支付)的援助, 付款期(学期)的日历天数和学生在退学前注册的付款期的日历天数. 5天及以上的假期(如春假)从学期总天数中扣除. 如果学生入学的天数少于该学期总日历天数(减去休息时间)的60%, Title IV funds may need to be returned by the school, 学生, 或两个. If 学生 has completed 60 percent or more of the semester, 他们将保留已发放的任何援助, and may qualify for a post-withdrawal disbursement of funds that have not yet been disbursed.

退款计算必须在学生退学日期后30天内完成(对于正式退学)。. 由于第四章资金返还计算而导致的任何经济援助变化,学生将在撤销后30天内收到书面通知. If 学生 must return funds that the school is not responsible for returning, 学生 will be notified of this within thirty days as well. 学校负责退还的未赚资金将在学校确定学生退学后45天内退还.

Federal and State refund calculations are cross-checked by financial aid staff for accuracy.

Federal Title IV Funds that the school must return will be returned in the following order:

  • Unsubsidized Direct Loans (other than Direct PLUS loans)
  • 直接补贴贷款
  • 直接PLUS贷款
  • Federal Pell Grants for which a return of Title IV funds is required
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants for which a return of Title IV funds is required
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant for which a return of Title IV funds is required

学生或家长负责偿还的未赚贷款资金将根据联邦直接贷款主本票的条款逐步偿还。. 大学注册办公室通过国家学生信息中心向nsds报告学生注册状态的变化, 这样,学生的贷款宽限期就可以开始,学生贷款服务人员就可以开始与学生就贷款偿还进行沟通.

未获资助:学生必须偿还的资助金额限制在学生在适用的付款期内收到或可能收到的资助资金的一半. A student also does not need to repay a grant overpayment of $50 or less. If a student owes such a repayment of grant funds, FSU will return the funds to the federal government on 学生’s behalf. 然后学生可能欠FSU一笔余额, but will not be considered to have a Title IV grant overpayment.

有资格获得退学后贷款或助学金支付的学生或家长(对于直接PLUS贷款)将在学校确定学生退学后30天内收到书面通知. 该通知书将包括以下内容:

  • 要支付的资金的数量和类型
  • The student’s options to accept or decline some or all of the Title IV funds
  • 偿还贷款款项的义务
  • The timeframe to respond to the offer (response required for loans)

Students or parents must respond to their offer and accept the loan prior to disbursement. 我们要求学生和家长在我们通知他们后的14天内对提款后贷款支付的提议作出回应, 但是,如果学生或家长及时接受,我们将处理退学后的付款,以便FSU在学校确定学生退学之日起180天内付款. 我们要求学生/家长以书面形式回复我们接受他们的提款后贷款支付(可以通过电子邮件回复)。.

提款后的补助金将在学校确定学生提款之日起45天内存入学生账户, and if 学生 owes a balance of allowable charges, 这笔资金将用于支付这笔余额. If 学生 does not owe a balance to the university, or the post-withdrawal funds exceed the allowable charges, any excess grant or loan funds will be refunded to 学生 or parent.


未在本学期获得任何学分且未启动学校正式退学/请假程序的学生可能被视为非正式退学. 提交给大学注册处的教师记录用于确定学生是否可能离开并停止上课. 在这种情况下, the midpoint of the semester is used in the refund calculation, 除非我们收到学生在此之后参加过学术相关活动的证明文件. This determination is made within 30 days of the conclusion of each semester. The Return of Title IV funds and MA State Refund calculations will be performed, 学生将在决定其退学之日起30天内收到书面结果通知. 学校必须退还的任何未赚资金将在决定之日起45天内退还给联邦政府.


示例# 1 

苏珊在FSU注册了秋季学期,并决定退出,并于9月27日开始正式程序. 她是一个通勤学生. 根据提款日期, she qualifies for a 40% refund of tuition and fees from the institution. 当时她退出了, FSU has disbursed her Federal Pell Grant for the fall of $522, 以及FSEOG 100美元的资助. Susan declined the federal student loans that were offered to her prior to her withdrawal.

There are 109 total calendar days in the semester, and Susan has been enrolled for 23 of those days. 基于此, 她已经完成了秋季学期21%的课程, 她已经获得了授予她的助学金的21%, or $131. FSU在取款后30天内以书面形式通知Susan,她有资格获得131美元的取款后支出, 他们会从联邦佩尔助学金项目中拨出相应数额的资金记入她的学生账户. Since Susan owes a balance to the University for the tuition and fees that were not refunded to her, 提取后的联邦佩尔助学金将用于支付她的部分到期余额.


例# 2 

Mark enrolls in the spring semester at FSU and decides to drop all of his classes on March 12. FSU认为这是Mark退学的通知,并执行第四章资金返还计算. 基于3月12日的退出日期, Mark does not qualify for a refund of tuition and fees for the spring semester. 在他退出的时候, 马克在春季学期收到了990美元的联邦无补贴直接贷款(扣除贷款费用), and has received a Federal Subsidized Direct Loan disbursement of $2,春季学期的学费是722美元(扣除贷款费用).

There are 107 total calendar days in the spring semester, which does not include spring break. 马克已经被录取了50天. 基于此, 他已经完成了春季学期47%的课程, 他获得了47%的助学金, or $1,745. Based on the calculation, FSU must return $1,967 of the net loan proceeds for the spring semester. The funds are returned to the Unsubsidized Direct loan program first, and the entire $990 Unsubsidized loan is returned first. The remaining $977 is returned to the Subsidized Direct Loan program.


财政援助办公室通知学生账户办公室资金撤销或提取后的支出. 资金申报/支付由财政援助工作人员向共同发起和支付系统报告. The Business Office makes any required refunds to G5. 财政援助工作人员安排国家资金按照学生财政援助的退款政策和程序的马萨诸塞州办公室返回. 大学注册办公室办公室通过国家学生信息中心向nsds报告学生注册状态的变化. 学生的退学程序,包括日期和相应的学费和费用退款百分比,在学生会计办公室准备的“所有关于学费和费用”文件中公布.


If a student has a credit balance on 学生 account generated by Title IV funds, 这些资金将在支付后14天内通过电子退款或支票提供给他们. 如果学生没有兑现支票, the 学生账户 office will attempt to contact 学生. 任何在240天后仍然存在的无人认领的资金必须退还给第四章基金或产生信贷余额的基金. 资金将以与第四章退款计算相同的顺序返还给第四章财政援助计划(参见第四章资金返还计算和过程), 上图).